
Celebrity Diet to Lose Weight Fast



Today we are going to talk about the celebrity diet to lose weight fast. Losing weight quickly is the dream of many people, but it is not as easy a mission as it seems.

However, there is a diet that has become more popular (even the famous approve) that promises to help with the challenge.

Luciano de Camargo and Sasha Meneghel are two celebrities who have surrendered to this diet, which is named “PronoKal, a method that goes far beyond food.

Many people have this interest but don't know how to start and move on this journey. So in this article we will show you all the necessary information.

What is the celebrity diet to lose weight fast? Let's talk about PronoKal

PrononoKal is a multidisciplinary slimming method, under a medical prescription, which has the support of the nutritional team, a physical educator and emotional coaching.

The basis of this method is the low-calorie ketogenic diet.

The patient will eat products that taste and look like carbohydrates, but are high in protein and have a high nutritional value.

The great speed in weight loss has an explanation. According to the doctor, when someone goes without consuming carbohydrates he will use all the stock of glucose stored in the liver.

In two days, this stock will run out and the person will start using fat as a source of energy, producing bodies and entering this state of ketosis.

Ketosis has many benefits: in addition to the speed of weight loss, the patient will not feel hungry, in addition to improving resistance and insulin and, in the case of women, it greatly improves cellulite.

The diet itself is divided into 3 parts, and in the first of them it is already possible to lose up to 80% of the desired weight.

The food plan consists of ingestion of different powdered products, made from high biological value and low calorie proteins.

When dissolved in water, the products are transformed into pancakes, cakes, bread and even chocolate mousse.

The 3 Steps of the Fast Weight Loss Diet

active phase: At this stage, the patient develops ketosis and loses 80% of body weight with the doctor.

He started eating only Pronokal foods with vegetables and gradually introduced animal proteins (lean meat, poultry, fish or eggs).

Physiological adaptation: This is a very important step. Patients come out of ketosis and gradually introduce carbohydrates, starting with fruits, whole-grain breads, cereals and cereals, and finally fat.

It is at this stage that the secretion of hormones that make the patient feel hungry stabilizes, so that these hormones (such as insulin) are gradually secreted.

The patient still lost weight, reaching 20% of the target set in the first consultation.

Maintenance: In this step, calculate the amount of calories the patient should consume to maintain body weight.

He must keep these foods for two years – and during this period he will be monitored by the company's team. Calories are calculated separately based on gender, final weight, physical activity, etc.

The difference between Pronokal and other diets

There are several advantages, but I want to mention two main ones: first, as we said, weight loss is faster; there is no hunger and there is more time to sustain.

These results are corroborated by two more than traditional company studies.

The hypocaloric diet is much more successful. In addition, it is done without the use of medication.

Patients learn to eat a diet that is reasonable in quantity and quality, avoiding the yo-yo effect.

Another benefit is that 90% Weight loss occurs at the expense of fat, that is, the patient retains the lean mass and therefore also the basal metabolic expenditure, this is the secret to avoid the patient's weight rebound

But remember, before taking any action on a diet, consult an area professional to provide you with the necessary information.

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